How to ADD Meta Tag Description in Blogger [SEO Practice]


How to ADD MetaTag Description in Blogger [SEO Practice]

How to ADD Meta Tag Keywords in Blogger? Meta Tag Description is most important for SEO. Blogger How to add Meta Tag, Title, Description, or Keywords in. I am going to tell you about it.

Add Meta Tag Description In Blogger

We tell it to Google by adding Meta Tag keywords or Descriptions to Blogger. That's what our blogger is about, to whom the related post is put.

Who is the author of our blog? Or the short description of the post is told. In Google search, you can give information with the help of Meta Tags like Page Description, Keywords, Author, MetaData, other Details, Other Email, etc. You can bring with us on Google Search about Blogger.

Google bots read our Blogger's, Meta Tag. Or it shows the result on the Google Search page in Google Search Engine. Shows reality.

In other words, create Meta Tag, is created with the help of generator tools. Which gives in the form of HTML Code. Then it is added to the Blogger Template Theme.

From Blogger Meta Tag, the Google search engine robot reads only the Meta Tag of our blog. What is the blog about in the Meta Tag Google company search engine?

Who is the author of the blog? What language is the blog in? Which country is the blog? And what things to bring in the search. Google robot only sees the Meta Tag Code. And Intex in Google which is very important for SEO.


  • Table of1 What are meta tags? [Meta Tag]

  • 2 What comes in the Meta Tag Code?

  • 3 Meta Tag HTML Code

  • 4 Blogger Me Meta Tag Code How To Add

What are meta tags? [Meta Tag]

Meta Tag Code website Title, Description, keywords, language, Country, Author, etc google search result from show Code.


 What comes in Meta Tag Code?

To give complete information about our blog website in Google search engine, we do Meta Tag Code ADD. Meta Tag is very important to show in Google Search Results.

If you have not done Meta Tag ADD, then it becomes difficult for the search engine to find information about the blog website. What is the name of the website Blog, Whose website is it? Who is the author of the website? What is a website Blog about?

Website Blog from which country? Website Blog gives information about what? In which language is the website Blog? Adi search engine is not able to locate this information. That's why meta tags in blogs are necessary for SEO.

Let me tell you once again what happens in Meta Tag, about the title of the blog, that is, what is the name of the blog.

  1. What is your blog about?

  2. Gives information on which topic.

  3. Who is the author?

  4. What is the language of your post?

  5. Which country is the blog i.e. which country is the blog from?

  6. Which things have to be brought in the search and which are not.

After reading the above-mentioned details, it would have been understood what Meta Tag is. And why is it necessary for a blog, why is it necessary to do ADD in a blog. For SEO. Before adding Meta Tag to Blog, let us know how to create Meta Tag. To add to Blog, we will now know how to create Meta Tag Code and what to write in Meta Tag, follow the steps given below.

  1. Description:- In Discretion, you have to write about Blog. Example:- All internet complete information in Hindi, home remedies, home remedies, and remedies, mobile technology, internet technology, mobile specifications, details, and comparison. You can write in a Minimum of 160 words

  2. Keywords: - In Keywords, you have to enter on which topic your blog is, like - Make Money, Internet Technology, Blogging, Social media, you can write a minimum of 10 to 15 keywords. the

  3. author: - the managing author the author's name write means admin website Blog

  4. language: - language to you to write the language of your Blog in the language you write it Blog in language writes Post or the

  5. Country: In this, you have to enter the name of the country in which your website is located, that is, enter the name of your country.

  6. Robot: - Select All in Robot, if you want to bring all the information to the search engine, then

Now you must have known all these topics. After understanding all these, what to write, and what to put, you can create Meta Tag Code.

Meta Tag HTML Code

<!– Meta Tags ~ –>

<meta content='Your Blog Description' name='description'/>

<meta content='Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3name='keywords'/>

< meta content='Author Name' name='Author'/>

 <meta content='Author Email Address' name='Email'/>

<meta content='all' name='robots'/>

 <meta content='index , follow' name='robots'/>

 <meta content='Language Name' name='language'/>

 <meta content='Country Name' name='country'/>

 <meta content='blogger' name=' generator'/>

<!– /Meta Tags ~ –>


  • How utpalsarder.blogger.comEnter= In place ofName

  • Your BlogYour Blog Description= Here you have to enter a Blog in a maximum of 160 words.

  • Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword Keywords to be entered on the topic=of the blog like Make Money, social media, SEO Tips

  • Author Name=your name here

  • EnterAuther Emails AddressEnterEnter=your email here

  • Language Name=the name of the language here

  • Country Name= Here the name of the country (country) has to be

here you will see the red color entered,, at the place of marking, you enter the information of your blog.

How to add Blogger Meta Tag Code

[how to add Meta Tag Code]

Let's see. How to add Meta Tag in our Blogspot Blogger -

  1. Click on Theme(Template) Click on

  2. Edit HTML

  3. Search <head> by pressing Control + F

  4. Paste the above-mentioned code under <Head> and in the last Theme( Template) Save

this way friends, you can create Meta Tag Code in your Blogger and add it to the blog, and Google Search Engine show it in, now you must have known Meta Tag Code create or Blogger Meta Tag Code Add. If you face any kind of problem in adding or applying Meta Tag Code. So you can ask questions by commenting below. If you like our post, share it on social media and email me for the latest update.

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