Fiverr WordPress Skill Test 2021 Questions Answers 9/10 Solution Fiverr WordPress 5.1 test answers 2021
This is a Fiverr skill test article. And this article will help you to pass your WordPress 5.1 and get position on top of the 10% because our answers have higher accuracy. We have discussed these MCQs with WordPress professionals and got the best possible answer.
Here are the answers to these 137 questions. You can get 100 marks with these answers.
WordPress 5.1 Fiverr Test Questions with answer
01. Which of the following roles can edit your username in WordPress?
- A user itself
- An administrator
- An editor
- A subscriber
- No one can edit your username
02. In WordPress, “Revisions” and “Attachments” post types are stored in wp_posts table.
- True
- False
03. WP Super Cache is not a static page caching plugin for WordPress.
- True
- False
04. In WordPress, which of the following plugins can be used to limit the number of login attempts?
- SiteGuard WP Plugin
- inotify
- Brute Force Login Protection
05. What does the “Error 28” in WordPress indicate?
- It indicates that the cache on your server is full.
- It indicates that a table in your database is corrupted.
- It indicates a missing column in your database.
- It indicates that you have too many files in /tmp.
06. Which of the following you should avoid while choosing a password?
- Permutation of your real name, username, or company name.
- A word from a dictionary, in any language.
- Any numeric-only or alphabetic-only password.
- Any password containing numeric, alphabets, and special symbols.
- All 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Only 1, 2, and 3
- Only 1, 2, and 4
- Only 2, 3, and 4
07. While exporting your WordPress data, which of the following data can you export?
- Posts
- Pages
- Comments
- Categories
- Custom taxonomies
- All 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Only 1, 2, 4, and 5
- Only 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Only 2, 4, and 5
- Only 1, 2, 3, and 4
08. Which of the following options is a condensed summary of your blog post?
- Post slug
- Plugin
- Permalink
- Excerpt
09. In relation to the profile screen in WordPress, which of the following personal options are available that can be configured?
- Visual editor
- Admin Color Scheme
- Syntax Highlighting
- Toolbar
10. An Author role in WordPress has edit_pages capability.
- True
- False
11. Which of the following plugins can be used in WordPress 5 for two-step authentication?
- Duo
- Google Authenticator
- WordFence
- Rublon
- All 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Only 1, 2, and 3
- Only 2, 3, and 4
- Only 1, 3, and 4
12. In relation to caching in WordPress, Varnish cache application is supported on which of the following platforms?
- Windows 7
- Linux
- FreeBSD
13. Which of the following options are the valid filters in template hierarchy?
- singular_template
- search_template
- embed_template
- Author_template
14. Which of the following statements are correct about the posts screen?
- Categories can be added in bulk to a set of posts.
- Tags can be added in bulk to a set of posts.
- Categories can be deleted in bulk from a set of posts.
- Tags can be deleted in bulk from a set of posts.
15. Which of the following is the correct option that is the default theme of WordPress 5?
- Gravatar
- Twenty Nineteen
- Permalink
- None of the above.
16. Which of the following statements are correct about the “Pages” post type in WordPress?
- You can place them into a hierarchical order where a page can be the parent or child of another page creating a page structure.
- They can be displayed in a reversed time-based order.
- They do not make use of categories like posts do.
- None of the above.
17. In relation to WordPress, which of the following cookies are stored on the visitors’ computers when they comment on your blog?
- comment_author_(HASH)
- wp-settings(time)-[UID] cookies
- wordpress_logged_in_[hash]
- comment_author_email_(HASH}
18. In WordPress, which of the following options are the incorrect capabilities of the Author role?
- delete_published_posts
- delete_published_pages
- edit_posts
- Manage_links
19. By default, the WordPress dashboard permits administrators to edit plugins and theme files.
- Yes
- No
20. What is the default value of the SCRIPT_DEBUG constant?
- True
- False
21. In WordPress, which of the following statements are correct about the comment administration on your site?
- You can manually approve the comments of other users.
- You cannot cut down on the number of comments for approval.
- You can get a notification when someone posts a comment.
- None of the above.
22. The given URL is an example of which of the following permalinks?
- mod_rewrite
- None of the above.
23. Which of the following options is the correct order (by priority in use) to display category in template hierarchy?
- index.php, category-{slug).php, category-{id}.php, category.php, archive.php
- category.php, archive.php, category [slug.php, category-{id}.php, index.php
- category-{slug).php, archive.php, category-{id}.php, category.php, index.php
- category-(slug).php, category-{id}.php, category.php, archive.php, index.php
24. Which of the following types of permalinks are available in WordPress 5?
- Default
- mod_rewrite
25. In relation to WordPress site, which of the following options is correct about a sitemap?
- It is an enhancement to your existing URLs that can improve SEO of your website.
- It is a single page listing of all the posts on your website.
- It is a collection of all the visited links on a WordPress website.
- None of the above.
26. Which of the following roles has the unfiltered_html capability in a single site WordPress installation?
- Administrator
- Editor
- Author
- Contributor
27. It is mandatory for all the WordPress users to add an e-mail address in their respective profiles.
- True
- False
28. In WordPress, which of the following options is/ are the correct example(s) of a non-hierarchical taxonomy?
- Category
- Tag
- Both options a and b
- Neither option a nor b
29. What does the “Error 145” in WordPress indicate?
- It indicates that the cache on your server is full.
- It indicates that a table in your database is corrupted.
- It indicates a missing column in your database.
- None of the above.
30. Which of the following options are the correct capabilities of the Editor role in a single site WordPress installation?
- manage_categories
- manage_links
- Update_themes
- Manage_options
31. In WordPress, a subscriber has which of the following capabilities?
- read
- delete_posts
- edit_posts
- Publish_posts
32. How can you access Your Profile Screen in WordPress?
- From the main navigation menu under Users.
- By clicking on the name link at the top of the WordPress screen.
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
33. In WordPress, which of the following types of items you can add into your menu?
- Posts
- Pages
- Comments
- Categories
- Custom taxonomies
- All 1, 2, and 3
- Only 1 and 2
- Only 1 and 3
- Only 2 and 3
34. Which of the following options are the correct tables that will always be backed up while taking backups in WordPress?
- wp_links
- wp_terms
- wp_users
- wp_postmeta
35. By default, all the published pages are added to the menu automatically by WordPress.
- True
- False
36. Which of the following options are available as commenter rules in WordPress?
- Comment author must fill out name and e-mail
- Users must be registered and logged in to comment
- Allow people to post comments on new articles
- Only 1 and 2
- Only 1 and 3
- Only 2 and 3
- All 1, 2, and 3
37. The given command can be used to backup all the database tables.
mysqldump –add-drop-table-h mysql_hostserver-u mysql_username -p mysql_databasename
- True
- False
38. Which of the following options is the correct order (by priority in use) to display tag in template hierarchy?
- tag-[slug].php, tag.php, tag-{id}.php, archive.php, index.php
- tag-{slug}.php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php
- archive.php, index.php, tag-[slug].php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php
- tag-{id}.php, tag-[slug].php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php
39. Which of the following plugins can be used to improve the performance by caching your WordPress posts and pages as the static files?
- W3 Total Cache
- WP Super Cache
- Cache Enabler
- All 1, 2, and 3
- Only 1 and 2
- Only 1 and 3
- Only 2 and 3
40. You can use the pre_get_posts filter hook for including custom posts into your main query of blog posts.
- True
- False
41. In relation to posts screen, which of the following columns are displayed in the table of posts?
- Title
- Categories
- Tags
- Author
42. Can you import content from a static HTML site to WordPress?
- Yes
- No
43. While backing up your WordPress database by using MySQL Workbench, what is the size limit of the database to be backed up?
- 1GB
- 2 GB
- 5 GB
- There is no size limit
44. In relation to get the blog indexed in Google search, which of the following terms processes the information and also determines the quality of the content, so that the information can be placed appropriately on Google pages?
- Crawling
- Indexing
- Googlebot
45. In relation to file system monitoring in WordPress, which of the following tools is the OS kernel level file monitoring service that can be used for running commands on the filesystem events?
- Git
- diff
- inotify
46. Which of the following options is a correct example of PATHINFO permalinks?
47. Which of the following statements are correct about the W3 Total Cache (W3Tc)plugin?
- It helps to reduce response time by creating static HTML version of pages and permits
- web servers to serve them without invoking PHP
- It helps for caching database queries (objects).
- It manages the headers such as entity tag, cache-control, expires, etc.
48. You can edit the .htaccess file by FTP or shell.
- True
- False
49. Which of the following definitions of the WP_DEBUG constant can be used to trigger the debug mode throughout WordPress?
- define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
- define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, ‘true’);
- define(‘WP_DEBUG’, ‘1′);
- define(‘WP_DEBUG),”true” );
50. Which of the following options is the correct order (by priority in use) to display custom taxonomies in template hierarchy?
- taxonomy.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy).php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}-{term}.php, index.php, archive.php
- taxonomy-{taxonomy].php, taxonomy-{taxonomy){term}.php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php
- taxonomy.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy].php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}{term}.php, archive.php, index.php
- taxonomy-(taxonomy)0(term}.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy].php, taxonomy.php, archive.php, index.php
51. By default, WordPress makes use of which of the following files in a theme for displaying posts of any type of the front-end of a website?
- index.php
- single.php
- archi php
51. Which of the following options is the correct order (by priority in use) to display home page in the template hierarchy?
- home.php, index.php, front-page.php, page.php
- front-page.php, home.php,page.php, index.php
- index.php, front-page.php, home.php,page.php
- front-page.php, index.php, home.php,page.php
52. If you have shell access to your server, then which of the following commands can you use to change the file permissions for files recursively?
- find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/ -type d-exec chmod 777 ( \;
- find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/-type f -exec chmod 755 {}\;
- locate /path/to/your/wordpress/install/-type f-exec chmod 6440\;
- find /path/to/your/wordpress/install/ -type f -exec chmod 644 [\;
53. While selecting the color scheme under the personal options in WordPress, which of the following colors are the menu background colors?
- Last two colors
- Middle two colors
- First two colors
- None of the above.
54. Meta tags in WordPress sites can be added in which of the following ways?
- By using plugins
- By adding them to the “header.php” template file in the WordPress theme
- By updating the database
- Both options a and b
- Both options b and c
55. In WordPress, which of the following attacks can you see via the logs?
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Directory Traversal attempts
- All 1, 2, 3, and 4
- Only 1, 2, and 3
- Only 2, 3, and 4
- Only 1, 3, and 4
56. Which of the following options is the correct order of rendering the date-based archive index pages in template hierarchy?
- date.php, archive.php, index.php
- date.php, index.php, archive.php
- index.php, date.php, archive.php
57. In relation to WordPress editor, which of the following options is the default block type?
- Paragraph
- Image
- Heading
- Gallery
58. Which of the following options is an open source WAF (web firewall) that can be installed at a web server to filter the content before it is processed by WordPress?
- iThemes Security
- WordFence
- Mod Security
- Shield
59. Which of the following options is a program that can be used to manipulate the databases remotely through a web interface?
- W3 Total Cache
- phpMyAdmin
- MariaDB
- WP Super Cache
60. In relation to caching in WordPress, which of the following levels of authority are provided by Varnish?
- The command line arguments
- The CLI interface
- VCL programs
- HTTP requests
61. WordPress 5 is written in which of the following languages?
- Java
- C++
- GO
62. Which of the following options are the correct cookies that WordPress uses for the users who have registered an account with the WordPress site?
- wordpress_logged_in_[hash]
- comment_author_url_(HASH}
- comment_author_(HASH)
- wordpress_thash]
63. Which of the following options is an open source WAF (web firewall) that can be installed at a web server to filter the content before it is processed by WordPress?
- Themes Security
- WordFence
- ModSecurity
- Shield
64. In WordPress, which of the following template tags is used to tell WordPress to get the blog title out of the database and add it in the template file?
- get_headero
- get_footer
- the_title
- bloginfo(‘name’)
65. If you are receiving an error that says “parse error: unexpected”, which of the following options can be the reasons for the same?
- You have forgotten to include the opening bracket (
- You have forgotten to include the $ when referencing a variable
- Missing a semicolon (;) at the end of an individual line
- You have an else statement with no opening if statement
66. Which of the following capabilities are only available in the Super Admin role?
- manage_network_plugins
- delete_plugins
- manage_categories
- setup_network
67. In relation to screen options in WordPress, which of the following items/modules is/are hidden by default?
- Posts
- Tags
- Only 1
- Only 2
- Both 1 and 2
- Neither 1 nor 2
68. In relation to the roles of WordPress 5, which of the following options can only publish and manage their own posts?
- Editor
- Author
- Subscriber
- Contributor
69. While using Permalinks in blogging, which of the following options is the title of your article post within the link?
- Post Slug
- Excerpt
- Plugin
- Trackback
70. In relation to posts screen, which of the following options is the default view in the table of posts?
- List view
- Excerpt view
- None of the above.
71. Which of the following statements are correct about the “Pages’ post type in WordPress?
- You can place them into a hierarchical order where a page can be the parent or child of another page creating a page structure.
- They can be displayed in a reversed time-based order.
- They do not make use of categories like posts do
- None of the above.
72. While blogging in WordPress, which of the following options is the collection of programming scripts that can be used to add additional functionality to the blogs?
- Post Slug
- Excerpt
- Plugin
- Pingback
73. You can adjust the length of cookies with the ‘auth_cookie_expiration’ hook.
- True
- False
74. In relation to the posts screen, which of the following options is the default view in the table of posts?
- List view
- Excerpt view
- None of the above.
75. Suppose, you have a fixed IP address and you do not want any person (except yourself) to login to your admin area.
Which of the following files will help you to limit access to wp-login.php?
- .htaccess
- web.config
- Only 1 can be used
- Only 2 can be used
- Both 1 and 2 can be used
- Neither 1 nor 2 can be used
76. Which of the following options are the correct requirements for using “Pretty” permalinks?
- An .htaccess file
- Apache web server with the mod_rewrite module installed
- The FollowSymLinks option enabled in the WordPress’s home directory
- All 1, 2, and 3
- Only 1 and 2
- Only 1 and 3
- Only 2 and 3
77. Which of the following options are the correct cookies that WordPress uses for the users who have registered an account with the WordPress site?
- wordpress_logged_in_{hash}
- comment_author_url_{HASH}
- comment_author_{HASH}
- wordpress_[hash]
78. Which of the following options is the purpose of the Piklist plugin in WordPress?
- It is used to create a list of disabled users in WordPress.
- It is used to create a key-value pair for authenticating a user.
- It permits you to create custom meta boxes and fields in WordPress.
- Both options a and c
79. In relation to the profile screen in WordPress, which of the following personal options are available that can be configured?
- Visual editor
- Admin Color Scheme
- Syntax Highlighting
- Toolbar
80. Which of the following cookies is set by WordPress 5 that is used to customize your view of the admin interface and the main site interface?
- wordpress_logged_in_[hash]
- wp-settings-time)-[UID]
- wordpress_[hash]
- None of the above.
81. In relation to the dashboard screen in WordPress 5, which of the following options are provided by the At a Glance widget?
- Most recent comments
- Number of posts
- Number of pages
- Number of comments
- Recently published posts
82. Which of the following statements are correct about the “Pages’ post type in WordPress?
- You can place them into a hierarchical order where a page can be the parent or child of another page creating a page structure.
- They can be displayed in a reversed time-based order.
- They do not make use of categories like posts do
- None of the above.
83. Which of the following options is the correct order (by priority in use) to display a single page in template hierarchy?
- custom template file, page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, singular.php, index.php
- custom template file, page-{id}.php, page-{slug}.php, page.php, singular.php, index.php
- singular.php, index.php, page-{id}.php, page-{slug}.php, page.php, custom template file
- custom template file, page-{slug}.php, page-{id}.php, page.php, singular.php, index.php
84. By default, which of the following post types are always included within a WordPress installation?
- Attachments
- Custom css
- Changesets
- Posts
85. The plugins Rublon and WordFence cannot be used for two-step authentication.
- True
- False
86. By default, meta tags are included in WordPress.
- True
- False
87. Which of the following options is the correct order (by prioroty in use) to display tag in template hierarchy?
- tag-{slug}.php, tag.php, tag-{id}.php, archive.php, index.php
- tag-{slug}.php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php
- archive.php, index.php, tag-{slug}.php, tag-{id}.php, tag.php
- tag-{id}.php, tag-{slug}.php, tag.php, archive.php, index.php
88. In relation to the profile screen in WordPress, which of the following personal options are available that can be configured?
- Visual editor
- Admin color scheme
- Syntax highlighting
- Toolbar
89. Which of the following options are the correct files that are required for making a theme in WordPress?
- index.php
- style.css
- theme.php
- All 1,2 and 3
- Only 1 and 2
- Only 1 and 3
- Only 2 and 3
90. In relation to the dashboard screen in WordPress 5, which of the following options are provided by the “At a Glance” widget?
- Most recent comments
- Number of posts
- Number of pages
- Number of comments
- Recently published posts
91. In relation to file system monitoring in WordPress, which of the following tools is the OS kernel level five monitoring service that can be used for running commands on the filesystem events?
- Git
- diff
- inotify
91. Which of the following statements is/are correct about the post types in WordPress?
- Attachments can make use of the wp_postmeta table to store the extra information like image’s metadata
- Each theme in WordPress can have its own custom css post
- Both options a and b
- Neither option a nor b
92. The MySQL Workbench Tool can be used for taking backups of WordPress databases. With which of the following operating systems, can you use this tool?
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
93. by default in wordpress a standard post will have which of the following taxonomies types
- Categories
- Post
- Tags
94. in wordpress a contributor has which of the following capabilities
- read
- delete
- edit
- Not publish
95. in relation to backing up your wordpress database which of the following tools can be used for taking back up only in windows operating system?
- “While updating wordpress, which of the following options can be coorect reason for given message on the screen.”
- Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance
96. In which of the following orders, 404 template files are called in template hierarchy?
- 404.php, index.php
- index.php, 404.php, archive.php
- index.php, 404.php
- 404.php, archive.php, index.php
97. The given URL is an example of which of the following permalinks?
- mod_rewrite
- None of the above.
98. Which of the following block sites can be imported into WordPress?
99. You can import content to WordPress from Joomla or Mambo sites
100. Any of the following functions are required to create a new technology
Register_ taxonomy
101. Can Google AdSense be integrated into the WordPress blog?
102. Who among the following people can read a post locked with a password?
Registered users who know the password
103. WordPress. Which of the following files should be deleted after installing WordPress 4.1?
104. ______ can write their own posts but can also publish or delete them. Their HTML is limited to sets of authorized tags, and they cannot upload media files.
105. Does the WordPress 4.1 website require a function.hpp file for each theme?
106. Converts user level 0?
107. Can you create custom theme files for different types of custom content?
108. After you move a WordPress 4.1 site to a new host, if you change your site's URL, you'll need to update your posts and pages to correct the paths in the uploaded media files.
109. To display a widget, the user must
Drag the desired widget to the sidebar
110. What are the depth limitations of your sections?
There is no limit level
111. Which of the following action should be decided after importing data in WordPress?
All of the above
112. What is the correct color (with preference for use) to display tax categories in the template classification?
Manpower - {Classified} - {Term}. PHP, Taxonomy - Level 6. PFP, taxonomy.pp,, index, php
113. In WordPress 4.1, which of the following theme files can be used by customizing the "Page not found error" error page?
114. Converts user level 10 to _____?
115. You want to schedule a backup of your site's database, but you don't have enough access to your host. Which of the following tasks can help you accomplish this task?
Install the "WP Database Backup" plug-in
116. Which of the following should support the minimum server values for WordPress 4.1?
PHP version 5.0 or higher and MySQL version 5.1 or higher
117. Which version of WordPress can you choose your username from during the installation process?
118. Which of the following action should be performed before enabling network features?
Disable your plugins
119. What is the name of the theme of a page with ‘3’ ID?
120. Which of the following files is required to complete your theme?
Index.fp and style. CSS
121. WordPress 4.1 can be installed by default on which of the following databases?
122. Can you move your wp-contents folder to another location or rename it without changing any settings?
123. _____ WordPress can do anything in the administration area, write edits and delete posts, pages, links and comments; Upload media files to the dashboard of any imported content; Create edits and delete other users; Enable and configure plugins and themes; Changes the theme of the site and manages all available options
124. Conditional tags may be used on _______________
Change the content displayed
125. The function "function_exists ()" can be used to verify that the plug-in is enabled
126. ___________ may publish, edit and delete their own posts. Can't write page. They can upload certain types of media files and only use a limited set of HTML tags.
127. You can limit the number of revisions in the WordPress store ____
Adding the following line to your wp-config.php file: Define (‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 3); Using a plugin
128. _________ is a good way to make sure a WordPress site is indexed by search engines
129. The following action must be performed before upgrading to WordPress?
A, b and c
130. What is the correct color (as a priority to use) to display categories in template hierarchies?
Section - {Slag. PFP, Division {ID. PFP. Division.FP. Archive. PFP, index. PFP
131. To manually create sidebar widgets, the user must _______
Modify the sidebar.fp file
132. Which of the following should be performed before installing a plugin?
Plugins can be installed on your WordPress version and verify that they are compatible with current themes
133. What should be your first step to enable the WordPress 4.1 MU feature?
Define this code in the wp-config.php file (‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
134. Can you set a unique password for each post?
135. The date / time format of a WordPress site can be changed to __________
Administration settings
136. Can you move your wp-config.php file to the parent directory without changing any settings?
Yes given that you are installing WordPress in your web root directory
137. What is the name of the theme file of a page with 'slag'?
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